Organisms that produce their own organic compounds (food). One way they do that is by undergoing photosynthesis.

The ability to do work. Photosynthetic organisms harness light energy from the sun to produce chemical energy stored in sugars.

The organic compounds produced by photosynthesis are usually sugars. The immediate product of the Calvin cycle is a three carbon sugar (G3P) that can easily be converted to glucose, C6H12O6, which is a major source of energy for all organisms.

An energy-rich molecule produced in the light reactions and used up in the Calvin cycle to drive sugar synthesis. When ATP is broken down, it releases energy and becomes ADP + a phosphate group (Pi).

An electron carrier that transfers some of the energy absorbed from the sun in the light reactions to the Calvin cycle for sugar synthesis.

Chloroplasts are the organelles in plant and algal cells where photosynthesis takes place.

Sac-like membranes that are organized into stacks called grana

The fluid surrounding the thylakoid membranes within the chloroplast.

Harness the energy in photons of sunlight to produce ATP and NADPH, molecules that store the energy from the sun for transfer to the Calvin cycle.

A particle of light.

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