Numbers that don't fit into a cell are shown as questions marks.
When you wrap text, the column with changes with it.
Ctrl+B keys apply Bold.
Formulas can have more than one operator.
You cannot animate a SmartArt graphic.
A scatter charts shows the relationship of a part to a whole.
Effects include arrows, circles, cones, stars.
Bullets define each line in the content placeholder on a slide.
When using the sum button, the active cell displays the sum.
The range is the body of numbers the statistics will describe.
In Excel, a computerized spreadsheet is called a
As format cells, ______shows the results of the different formatting options you can choose.
By default, the _____ theme is applied to each workbook.
Click the Ctrl+C keys to _____ selected cells.
Click the Ctrl+ V keys to ______ selected cells.
You can use the Format Painter button to copy text _____.
_____ around the slide number indicate that it is hidden.
You can create hyperlinks to _____.
A _______ is text that prints in the top margin of each page.
To clear the active cell, use the _____.
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