Rule by the people is known as _____________________.

A type of government, usually in large cities, under which the mayor has strong executive powers is called _________________________.

___________________________ is when all branches of the government check the others to ensure that no one branch has too much power.

The _____________________ is the division of power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.

A ______________________ is a serious crime.

A minor crime is a ______________________.

A ________________________ is a procedure by which voters can propose a law or constitutional amendment.

___________________________ is a general vote by the people on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.

___________________________ is a government structure in which government actions are limited by law.

How many branches does Florida’s government have?

Which of the following is NOT a branch of the Florida government?

A __________________________ is the leader of the Florida state government.

The Florida legislature is bicameral which means what?

The __________________________ branch of the Florida government makes state laws and collects taxes.

The __________________________ branch of the Florida Government contains the State Supreme Court and lower courts.

What branch of government is the Governor in charge of?

States pay for schools, roads, etc. by doing what?

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