People who went to California during the Gold Rush of 1849

Someone who went to an area before it was settled.

American Indians were forced by the US Army to make the 1,000 mile trip to Indian Territory.

People who move to a new land.

The 1803 land deal that doubled the area of our new country. It was purchased from France for $15 million dollars.

They explored the American Northwest, newly purchased from France, and some territories beyond.

The 1849 discovery of gold in the Sacramento, California area that inspired the mass migration to this area.

A law that ordered all the Indian nations east of the Mississippi River to move west of that river.

President Polk declared war on Mexico over the dispute of land in Texas. (1846-1848)

The taking of workers against their will.

The area of land that American Indians were forced to move to.

To give land to another country.

A route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, used by pioneers traveling to the Oregon Territory.

The edge of a country or settled region.

Communities that quickly grow in population.

To add land to a country.

An area of land that is under the authority of a government but is not given the power of self-government.

The belief that the US had the right and duty to control all of the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

A waterway built for travel and shipping.

The first people to live in North America.

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