Property can be either tangible or intangible.

Fair use is a doctrine that lessens the consequences of copyright infringement.

A fixed, original expression of a creative work can be protected by a trademark.

A unique word, mark, or symbol identifying products is called a service mark.

Patents are good for ten years and are renewable.

Property placed intentionally somewhere but then forgotten is mislaid.

The right of partition comes with ownership in severalty.

Trade secrets MUST be registered to take effect.

Ownership of natural or man-made increases to personal property is acquired by:

Using a trademark as a descriptive generic term or permitting competitors to refer to similar products by the trademark may cause the original owner to:

Gathering shells on a public beach is acquisition by:

In some states, all property acquired during a marriage is presumed to be community property and a one-half interest in such property is owned by:

In order for there to be a definition of property, you must have:

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