What do glaciers leave behind?

In a stream, where is erosion dominant? Where is deposition dominant?

Where are well drilled into?

What is capillary action?

As particle size increases, how does porosity change?

As sediments increase in size, how does capillarity change?

What factors affect permeability and porosity?

What is infiltration?

What is the age of the universe? How do we know?

When does runoff occur?

What is the age of the earth? How do we know?

What is the geologic time scale and the theory of evolution based on?

What is a half life?

Index fossils exist for...

High pressure systems spin...

Low pressure systems spin

How does the weight and pressure of dry air compare to humid air?

When is it most likely to rain?

How and where does war, low pressure air move?

What is lake effect?

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