Wrote about events without the influence of gods, emphasized accuracy
conquered Egypt and Persia
conquered the Greek city-states but not Persia
wrote stories that taught courage, honor, loyalty, and the importance of the husband-wife relationship
asked pointed questions to help students use reason
believed philosopher-kings should rule
In ancient Greece, the most important types of architecture were
Professional teachers in ancient Greece who traveled from city to city
Why did Phillip II fail to conquer Persia?
This philosophy, started by Zeno, included the belief that people had a duty to serve their city
This scientist from Samos believed that the earth circled the sun.
This mathematician wrote a book, Elements, about geometry
This famous scientist designed the catapult, but it wasn't enough to save him from the Romans
This famous philosopher developed new ideas about mathematics-including a way to determine the length of the sides of a triangle
Why did Alexander the Great and his army stop before conquering India?
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