The process of calculating one's current position by using a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time and course is known as-
How large was the area that the Polynesians settled?
The Longitude Act of 1714 was created due to a disaster where the British lost an entire fleet of ships due to which navigational tool being read wrong?
A 300 mile “dead zone” now extends into the Gulf of Mexico where the Mississippi River enters at New Orleans. This is most probably caused by —
Populations of most oceanic fish have decreased over 90% in the last 100 years due to —
What is making the Shad’s migratory movement difficult?
Which of these is a producer?
Which of these is not an invasive species in the Bay?
Which two diseases are harming Oysters in the Bay?
This invasive species can eats 25% of its weight in one day
Which commercial fishery has been virtually lost in the Chesapeake Bay?
In 2008, poultry farms located just on the Delmarva Peninsula produced how much manure?
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