What is the most likely reason that tributaries merge to form the Cape Fear River?

During the eutrophication of a lake, fertilizers increase the amount of nutrient levels in the water. What best describes how the excess nutrients affect the lake?

Runoff from the hog farms on the Coastal Plains works its way into the Cape Fear watershed. Where is this polluted runoff most likely filtered?

The Little River flows into the Cape Fear River. The Little River would be considered a

Which household items perform the most similar to an estuary?

What term best describes the line which separates the Cape Fear River basin from the Neuse River basin

Many cities require a buffer zone around streams. Property owners are prohibited from cutting the grass, removing trees or paving the ground within the buffer zone. What is the most likely purpose of buffer zones?

Fishery scientists are concerned that there may be fewer ocean fish to feed humans in the future because the estuaries and bays near land are becoming more polluted. Why would the number of fish in the ocean be reduced because the estuaries near lan

Any area where fresh water from a river meets, and mixes with, salt water from the ocean.

Which below is not an important function of wetlands?

The Cape Fear River and all of it's tributaries is a(n)

Why is lake turnover important?

What percent of the water on Earth is fresh water?

Where is most of the fresh water on Earth located?

Any underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water is called a(n)

What information is used to most effectively monitor aquifers?

During the winter, the warmer water on the bottom of a lake is replaced by the colder water on the surface. This is called lake turnover. Why does this occur?

What term is give to water which is a mixture of fresh and saltwater?

How can estuaries act as a buffer between the ocean and the land?

The land that supplies water to a river system is called a

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