Pre-set settings that determine how Excel behaves when performing an action.

Commands on the default ribbon tabs that are related in functionality.

A pane found on the left side of Backstage view. It provides you access to workbook and file-related commands through a series of tabs.

Several settings that enable you to change how a document prints.

(1) An area on the ribbon that contains groups of related commands. (2) An area of the Backstage navigation pane that contains groups of related commands.

A file that includes formatting and formulas complete with designs, tools, and specific data types.

A cell that is highlighted or outlined by a bold black rectangle. This is also called the current or highlighted cell.

A box on the grid identified by the intersection of a column and a row.

Cells that run from top to bottom in a worksheet and are identified by letters.

Task-specific groups divided among the command tabs appropriate to the work a user currently performs.

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