What is 3 tenths plus 25 hundredths?

What is 1 and 2 tenths plus 18 hundredths?

What is one and five tenths plus fifty four hundredths?

What is 28.7 + 4.33

What is $42.21 + $164.25?

What is 35 hundredths minus 12 hundredths?

What is one and four tenths minus thirty-six hundredths?

What is 2.4 - 0.23?

What is 34.6 - 2.3?

What is $275 - $63.40?

3 x 1.6 =

1.4 x 5.4 =

0.4 x 0.8 =

What is 5 tenths x 61 hundredths?

2.28 x 5.1 =

1.53 ÷ 3 =

1.2 ÷ 5 =

4 ÷ 0.5

3 ÷ 0.3 =

3 ÷ 0.15

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