Meaning of: terra, terrae, f.
What is the gender of 99% 1st declension nouns?
Pick the derivative that comes from the Latin term 'insula' - island.
What is a 'lupa'?
What conjugation is: ambulo, ambulāre?
What conjugation is: habeo, habēre?
What conjugation is sedeo, sedēre?
What conjugation is habito, habitāre?
Which term is not a derivative coming from 'habito' to live?
What is the meaning of the preposition 'cum'?
Which term means 'son'?
Which term mean 'friend'?
Which term means deep/tall?
Which term is a derivative coming from the adjective 'ferus - wild'?
If you are irate, you are ...
If you are pugnacious, you like to ..
Who is a king?
Which term means 'peace'?
The term 'frater' means ...
Which term is a 3rd declension noun?
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