A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for measurement.

A graphical representation of numeric data in a worksheet.

The entire chart and all its elements.

A sheet that contains only a chart.

Text that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell.

A bar, area, dot, slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point or value that originates from a worksheet cell.

A row or column of data represented by a line, set of columns, bars, or other chart type.

A chart placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet.

An explanatory list that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series or categories in a chart.

A graphical representation of the data in a PivotTable.

A highly configurable table that condenses large amounts of data.

The area bounded by axes in a chart.

Miniature graphs that summarize data; typically used to graphically describe trends in data.

Descriptive text that is aligned to an axis or at the top of a chart.

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