The parameters of a function.

A formula that calculates the total from the adjacent cell through the first non-numeric cell using the SUM function

A function that calculates the total from the adjacent cell through the first nonnumeric cell using the SUM function in its formula.

A function that determines how many cells in a range contain a number

A function that returns the number of cells in the selected range that contain text or values, but not blank cells.

A predefined formula that performs calculations.

A function that returns the largest value in a set of values

Two or more cells combined into a single cell.

A function that determines the minimum value in a range of cells

A function that returns today's date and the current time, in the default format of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm.

A function that requires a series of inputs regarding interest rate, loan amount, and loan duration, and then calculates the resulting loan payment.

A function that returns a subtotal for a list.

A function that totals all of the cells in a range.

A function that returns the current date in a worksheet.

An arrow that shows the relationship between formulas and the cells they refer to in order to resolve a formula error.

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