The brightness of a star as seen from Earth
The apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different locations
The distance that light travels in one year; about 9.5 trillion kilometers/5.8 trillion miles
Lines that are made when certain wavelengths of light, or colors, are given off by hot gases
When you look at white light through a glass prism, you see a rainbow of colors called a
The color of a star depends on its
What color are the hottest stars?
What can a scientist learn about a star from its spectrum?
A star’s magnitude refers to its
Which star is a cool star?
The actual brightness of a star is called
Why is it hard to see stars move?
Astronomers use these numbers to represent dimmer stars.
Astronomers use these numbers to represent brighter stars.
What unit of measurement do astronomers use to determine distances from Earth to the stars?
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