Tom made a shape that had four sides. The sides were 7 inches, 3 inches, 4 inches, and 6 inches. What is the perimeter?

Betty made a three sided shape. All three sides were 15 inches long. What is the perimeter?

Kim's four sided shape had sides that were 7 inches, 8 inches, 2 inches, and 9 inches long. What is the perimeter?

Sam's rectangle had 2 sides that were 7 inches long and 2 sides that were 8 inches long. What is the perimter?

Bob's shape is a square. One side is 5 inches long. What is the perimeter?

David's shape is a triangle. Each side is 9 inches long. What is the perimeter?

Ben made a shape with six sides. Two sides were 10 inches, two sides were 5 inches, and 2 sides were 4 inches. What is the perimeter?

Allen's shape had sides that were 4 inches, 6 inches, 3 inches, and 9 inches long. What is the perimeter?

The cake pan was square. Each side was 9 inches. What is the perimter?

The teacher drew an unusual shape that had seven sides. The sides were 9 inches, 8 inches, 7 inches, 2 inches, 3 inches, 6 inches, and 4 inches long. What is the perimeter?

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