Which is an example of an environmental influence on development?
A preschooler’s mother was exposed to cats during her pregnancy, and the child has toxoplasmosis. Which influence on development is this?
Which is an example of an environmental influence on development?
When will the babies be fraternal twins?
Which is an example of a birth defect resulting from both hereditary and environmental influences?
Which is an example of an environmental influence on development?
Which is an example of an environmental influence on development?
An infant received from his mother’s genes a condition called hemophilia which makes it difficult for him to stop bleeding when he is injured. Which influence on development is this?
When is a baby likely to have Tay-Sachs disease?
Fetal alcohol syndrome may result in a child when:
Which is an example of a hereditary influence on development?
Thomas’s mother had chicken pox during the first six months of her pregnancy. Thomas has scarring of the skin, a limb defect, and eye problems. Which influence on development is this?
When does a baby have sickle cell anemia?
Which is an example of a hereditary influence on development?
An infant whose mother had X-rays during pregnancy was diagnosed with cancer. Which influence on development is this?
An infant has a birth defect because the mother smoked during pregnancy. Which influence on development is this?
Which is an example of a hereditary influence on development?
Which is an example of a birth defect that has both hereditary and environmental influences?
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