Created in EXCEL:
Spreadsheets are used to:
An EXCEL spreadsheet docment is called a:
An EXCEL file is called a:
A command to move from cell to cell in a spreadhseet:
A type of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet cell that consists of words that identify the information in a column or a row:
The cell displayed with a bold border in which data is entered:
The column letter and rwo number that identify a cell such as B2:
Vertical part of the worksheet identified by letters:
Cells that are next to each other:
Displays the cell reference of the active cell, located at the top of the spreadsheet to the left of the entry/formula bar:
Displays the active cells contents:
Horizontal part of the worksheet grid identified by numbers:
Selection of two or more adjacent cells:
The default view for EXCEL:
Maximum number of rows in an EXCEL spreadsheet:
A saved workbook is a:
Default number of worksheet tabs:
Maximum number of columns in an EXCEL worksheet:
Pleace where each worksheet name appears:
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