a relationship between two species in which one species, the parasite, benefits from the other species, the host, which is harmed

a relationship between two organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected

a relationship between two species in which both species benefit

a relationship in which two different organisms live in close association with each other

the relationship between two species (or individuals) in which both species (or individuals) attempt to use the same limited resource

an interaction between two organisms in which one organism, the predator, kills and feeds on the other organism, the prey

role, or position, of an organism in its environment

physical area in which an organism lives

the part of Earth where life exists

large group of ecosystems that share the same climate and have similar types of communities

biological community and all the nonliving factors that affect it

group of interacting populations that live in the same geographic area at the same time

group of organisms of the same species that occupy the same geographic place at the same time

any ONE thing that has or once had all the characteristics of life

any nonliving factor in an organism’s environment

any living factor in an organism’s environment

the study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and with their environment

science of life

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