What helps clarify and emphasize details, so they appeal to audience members?
What allows you to see through a slide background or color?
Which of the following PowerPoint features allows you to see what a picture border color change will look like before you apply it?
Where is the undo button?
Another name for line thickness.
Some document themes use the All Caps text effect which converts the uppercase text you type to lowercase.
A color scheme consists of four colors for a background and text.
One method of adding appealing visual elements to a presentation is by using WordArt styles.
What colors are designed as colors for secondary features on a slide?
Which of the following contextual Ribbon tabs appears when you select a picture on a slide?
The color of this should contrast with the background color of the slide.
What has 12 complementary background, text, accent, and hyperlink colors?
This determines the overall lightness or darkness of an entire image.
The difference between the darkest and lightest areas of an image is called?
Researchers have known for decades that documents with visual elements are more effective than those that consist of only text.
WordArt text can enhance the visual appeal of any presentation, so you can use it freely.
You can double-click a picture to display the Picture Tools and Format tabs.
If you have made many changes to a slide's background you can start over by clicking the Reset Background button in the Format Background dialog box.
When selecting and sizing shapes, keep in mind that your audience will focus on what type of shapes first?
What type of effects add pattern and texture to a background?
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