Contains additional number formats specific to your country. In the United States, there are four (Zip Code, Zip Code+4, Phone Number, and Social Security Number); in Canada, there are two (Phone Number and Social Insurance Number); in most other cou
This format displays days, months, and years in the mm/dd/yyyy style by default.
Where do you go to change the vertical alignment of a cell's contents?
When you enter numbers, the content is ______________aligned by default.
What group on the home ribbon do you find the command to insert or delete cells in your spreadsheet?
What command do you use to apply a background color to cells in a worksheet?
Cheyanna notices that the data in cell E4 reads #######. What command could she choose to correct this problem?
On what ribbon can you find the command to apply a fill color to a cell or range of cells in a worksheet?
Which quick-number style button formats numbers to display as currency in the worksheet? *Hint: This format left-aligns the dollar sign in each cell.
Kathryn needs the title in cell A1 to align horizontally across cells A1 through D1. Which alignment option should she select?
Which dialog box contains the commands to specify an exact date and time format to use for a selected cell in a worksheet?
You would like to outline the cell range A1:F20. Which formatting style should you select?
Jacob would like to apply a rule to the data in cell range A1:D20 that will highlight numbers greater than 20,000 with a green fill color and dark red text. Which formatting style should he select?
Column D in a spreadsheet contains Product Prices. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D?
Column D in a spreadsheet contains employee ID Number. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D?
Which command do you use to increase the margin between the border and the text in an indented cell?
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