Many scientists believe that allSTRUCTURES on EARTH BUILT UP over a LONG, GRADUAL, CONTINUOUS, PROCESS.

Woudln't it be neat to have a career that STUDIED the WAVES that are sent FROM EARTHQUAKES.

At the very bottom of EARTH'S INTERIOR, you will find a great big GIANT SOLID BALL OF IRON AND NICKEL.

If you could make it this far down beneath the ground, you would find yourself SWIMMING IN A POOL OF IRON AND NICKEL.

HOT and SOLID MATERIAL dominates the layer of the Earth that has the same NAME as a CRITICAL PART of a FIREPLACE.

It sounds as delicious as PIZZA OR PIE but this LAYER of the atmosphere is full of ROCKY SURFACES.

If you want to swim in FREE FLOWING PLASTIC and experience THE PROCESS OF CONVECTION firsthand, this portion of Earth's middle layer would be just the place to visit.

This ROCKY PORTION OF EARTH spans the upper layer as well as the upper portion of the middle layer.

It may sound like a delicious dinner, but the movement of thE SOLID DISKS BELOW EARTH'S SURFACE OFTEN YIELD GREAT DISASTER.

Over time all the rocky surfaces on Earth WEAR DOWN due to the climate around them

In the upper layer of Earth, you will find, DIRT RICH WITH BASIC ESSENTIALS TO SUPPORT LIFE.


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