When God forgives our sins through a Priest during confession.
The Body of Jesus – The Eucharist
Telling our sins to the priest
Showing concern for others
The sacrament in which our sins are forgiven
Jesus’ death on the cross
A prayer or kind act we do to make up for our sins; the priest tells us our penance at the end of the Rite of Penance
Sins that break our friendship with God
A deliberate choice to act against the will of God (choosing to do something we know we know is wrong)
In this Sacrament we receive the Body of Blood of Jesus (happens at Mass)
The words and actions used during the Sacrament of Penance
The first man and woman disobeyed God creating sin. Baptism takes away Original Sin that we are born with.
Being sorry for our sins and promising not to sin again; We recite this when we say the Act of Contrition
Jesus rising from the dead
Sins that hurt our friendship with God
God’s life in us (we receive Grace through the Sacraments)
Talking and listening to God
The day on which the Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles; the birthday of the Church
The part of Mass in which the gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
A special day on which Catholics come to Mass and celebrate Eucharist (example: Ascension)
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