Passed by the Confederation Congress, this law created a territory out of lands north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi Rivers.
A government in which citizens rule through elected representatives is called
The Great Compromise was suggested by _____.
_____ was one of two states that retained its colonial charter as a state constitution.
America's first constitution
The presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention was
A period when economic activity slows and unemployment increases is called
Essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay
Under the federal system the final authority is the
The movement that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society was called the
The most distinctive feature of the United States government is the
The president can check Congress through
This Pennsylvania group organized the first antislavery society in 1775.
What Virginian gave fiery speeches against the Constitution saying it did not check the federal government's power?
What was the event in 1787 when farmers marched to the federal arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts?
The Constitution created a government that divided powers between the national government and the states. This form of government is called a
The first state to approve the Constitution
Supporters of the new Constitution
To keep any one branch of government from gaining too much power, the Framers built in a system of
Legislative Branch
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