A layer of gas that surrounds Earth and protects living things from the sun is known as...
The way a mineral reflects light is called..
Wind, moving water, and solar energy are all....
A unit of time measured in millions of years..
The remains of ancient organisms found in rock are....
The harmful addition of materials to soil, air, or water is called...
Soil is divided into...
Which rock forms in layers?
The repeating cycle of rocks changing from one type to another...
A solid material in the ground made of elements is known as ....
What type of rock is produced and formed by the lava from a volcano?
A type of pollution caused by particles in the air is called
Which of the following is a type of fossil fuel?
Where would the youngest fossil be found?
What is an aquifer?
Which type of rock is formed by heat and pressure?
Where do people get drinking water from?
The best soil contains humus and holds water well. Which type of soil is best for growing crops and contains good humus?
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