Conservatives criticized the New Deal and the Great Society for having

One major factor contributing to Ronald Reagan’s defeat of President Carter in 1980 was

One of President Reagan’s main goals was to

The Reagan administration rapidly increased spending on

Critics charged that President Reagan’s conservative policies led to

The savings and loan (S L) scandal

During Reagan’s second term, United States relations with the Soviet Union

To deal with the recession of the early 1990s, President Bush agreed to

What cause was promoted by some groups within the New Right?

What were two major components of Ronald Reagan’s economic plan?

What distinction did Sandra Day O’Connor achieve in 1981?

What was the goal of Reagan’s policy toward Nicaragua?

How did the Soviet policies of perestroika and glasnost help bring an end to the Cold War?

What was a major reason that President George Bush responded forcefully to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait?

The federal government continued to grow under the leadership of

Many conservatives were deeply troubled by all of the following except

The Moral Majority wanted to restore to society what they saw as

The election of 1980 was especially significant because it showed that

President Reagan’s economic program was based on the theory of

Reagan aimed to reduce government regulations because they

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