OPEC’s 1973 embargo on shipping oil to the United States resulted in

President Nixon’s “southern strategy” included

The Plumbers and the Committee to Reelect the President were formed to

One outcome of the Watergate scandal was the

What did President Nixon do to try to halt the inflation plaguing the country?

What was the greatest foreign policy accomplishment during the Nixon years?

What did SALT I prove to the world?

Why did the Watergate break-in occur?

Why did Nixon resign?

Richard Nixon seemed willing to say or do anything to

Nixon’s staff was known for its

To solve the nagging problems of inflation and unemployment, Nixon called for

To halt the growth of government spending, Nixon tried to

In 1969, Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin were the first two people to

Henry Kissinger served President Nixon as

Nixon’s greatest achievement in foreign affairs is considered to be

Nixon’s new approach to China was surprising, as China

Nixon wanted to use America’s friendship with China to

During his trip to Moscow, Nixon sought to

Nixon and Brezhnev reached agreement on

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