What type of organism is at the basis of all food chains?

Which of the following is NOT a freshwater ecosystem?

Humans are considered omnivores because

Why is it so important to avoid pollution of freshwater ecosystems?

Why might you find fewer photosynthetic organisms at deeper levels of an ocean?

Which statement best explains why producers are located at the bottom of the energy pyramid?

What is the correct order of a food chain containing the following organisms: quail, desert shrub, coyote, snake?

How do abiotic factors and biotic factors differ?

Which statement best describes the typical relationship of a terrestrial biome and its surrounding water community?

Which type of aquatic environment covers 75 percent of Earth's surface?

In parts of Africa, gazelles and lions are part of the same community. Gazelles are a food source for lions. How would an increase in lion birth rate most likely affect the gazelles?

Which of the following is an example of parasitism?

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