Because generals were not used to the killing power of modern weapons, they
Most Americans opposed the Central Powers because of Germany’s
The German U-boat changed the rules of naval warfare because it
German submarines aimed to attack ships that were carrying
The United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany when
After the Russian Revolution, Americans were
Americans responded to the Selective Service Act
African Americans fighting in World War I were used mostly
Russia’s exit from the war
As Germany weakened, the Allies sought
The death toll from World War I was
The United States was able to loan more than $10 billion to the Allies, thanks to
Herbert Hoover, head of the Food Administration, worked to
The passage of a literacy test for immigrants marked a revival of
Minorities and women found employment opportunities mainly
The Sedition Act made it illegal to
Wilson’s goal for the League of Nations was
Under the terms of the peace treaty, Germany had to
The main economic problem facing returning war veterans was
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