When you start Power Point the first slide you is the ___ slide.

Predesigned graphic styles that can be applied your slides are called ____.

A(n) ___ is how one slide is removed from the screen and the next one appears.

A ____ is an electronic slide show that allows you to present and deliver your message.

____ are organized into entrance, emphasis, exit, and motion paths categories.

____ are already formatted with certain themes, graphics, colors, fonts, and layouts.

To apply a theme to a presentation, first click the ___ tab on the Ribbon.

When you insert a new slide you can select the ____. It contains placeholders for slide titles, text, and content.

On the Ribbon, on the Home tab, in the Slides Group, click the ____ button to insert a new slide.

Which of the following statements is true about Power Point presentations?

Which of the following is considered bad digital etiquette or manners?

Joe's computer crashed and now he is looking for a replacement. Which of the following criteria is the least important?

Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic operations of a computer?

Which of the following is a way computers benefit the workplace?

Windows 7 is a(n) ____.

A(n) ____ is software which checks information coming from the Internet or network.

A(n) ____ is a unique name which identifies a person to Windows 7.

Microsoft Office is a collection of ____ programs.

When you need to find a particular file, you should use the ___ box.

An increase in which of the following is needed for all workers in today's society to receive higher paying jobs?

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