A _______ is a prewritten formula that is built into Excel.

All of the following are valid Excel arithmetic operators except

Which of the following calculations multiplies .01 by 20?

The adjusted cell references in a copied and pasted formula are called _____ references

Click this to undo an automatic correction

What Option button gives options for filling cells FOLLOWING a fill operation?

This Options button lists error-checking options following the assignment of an invalid formula to a cell.

This Option button lists formatting options following an INSERTION of cells, rows, or columns.

The ________ AutoComplete list contains those functions that alphabetically match the letters you type following the equal sign.

Excel automatically appends (adds) the ________ to complete the AVERAGE function when you click the Enter box or press the ENTER key.

What is the default width of a cell?

When the row height is ______, the row is hidden.

The most popular background color is ____.

Use this to check which cells are referenced in the formula assigned to the active cell.

Left justified, fixed dollar sign.

This view allows you to create or modify a worksheet while viewing how it will look in printed format.

Which of these guidelines should you use when creating an new workbook?

Which of the following actions are provided by the Paste Options button?

Dollar sign appears immediately to the left of the # (also called floating $)

You can apply this to one or more cells based on the value of the cell.

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