Copying and pasting from the Internet can be done without citing the Internet page, because everything on the Internet is common knowledge and can be used without citation.

Of the following types of information, which one does NOT need to be cited

You copy and paste a few sentences from a web site into your paper. The web site doesn't list an author, sponsor or a date. You should:

You see in your class notes that your instructor said some things in class that would help support your argument in your speech. Do you have to cite information from your instructor's lecture?

If you provide in-text citations, should he also write a list of complete citations at the end of his paper?

You need to cite....

You need to include citations in your work because...

Plagiarism is....

If you're unsure if you are writing correct citations, you should...

If I put an author's thoughts into my own words, do I have to cite it?

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