Pans can do which of the following?

The first frame of a selected recording (where the clip begins)

The last frame of a selected recording

Adjusting an edit point or cutting stuff out

A series of shots that portray the passing of time or relationship between actions

Edit points that are done to make it seem like time is continuous

An off-screen voice that helps to deliver info, provide the point of view of a character or to allow the character to comment on the action (usually done with a voice-over)

Flipping, flopping, slo-mo, chromakey and mosaic are all different types of ....

Titles that move horizontally across the screen

A shot of someone or something reacting to the previous shot

Titles that move vertically up or down the screen

The way we retrieve or add our footage to a video editing device can be defined as ...

The way in which any two shots are joined together

The colors typically used for chromakey

The area in a non-linear editing program where you assemble your shots in the order you want them to play

A shot that shows a small part of a subject (usually brings the action closer to the viewer)

Allows you to selectively boost or reduce various frequencies

Refining, enhancing, or balancing your audio

What part of the camera lets light in?

True or False? Sound editing never refines, enhances, or balances your audio

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