Read the following lines from the Odyssey: In the next land we found were Cyclopes, giants, louts, without a law to bless them. By implication, what cultural value in ancient Greece is Odysseus emphasizing in this passage?
Why does Odysseus blind the Cyclops rather than kill him when the giant is asleep?
Read the following lines from the Odyssey: Men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war: this fame has gone abroad to the sky's rim. What quality of the epic hero does Odysseus emphasize in this passage?
Which word best completes the following sentence? Despite Calypso's ____ for him, Odysseus insists on returning to Ithaca.
In Part 2 of the Odyssey, the hero appears disguised as which of the following?
Why does the disguised Odysseus make up a story and tell Penelope that her husband will be home soon?
Choose the phrase that best defines an epic simile.
Which of the following is an important theme in Part 2 of the Odyssey?
Odysseus' slaughter of the suitors shows that ancient Greece held which of the following cultural values?
Which of the following quotations describes an act typical of an epic hero?
Although Odysseus' men want to steal the Cyclops' cheese and animals and depart immediately, Odysseus wishes “to see the cave man, what he had to offer.” Considering Odysseus' character, what might he be hoping the Cyclops will offer?
Which is the best rephrasing of the following lines? When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose lit up the world, the Cyclops built a fire….
What is the meaning of Polyphemus' words in the following lines? “Let him lose all companions, and return under strange sail to bitter days at home.”
What is meant by the expression in medias res?
To understand the historical and cultural context of a literary work, which of the following is most helpful?
You will have to answer one essay question. You can choose between the two.
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