The breaking up of rock into sediment
Water seeps into a crack in the rock. The freezing and thawing will weaken the sides and eventually beak it. Also called Frost Action
The moving of sediment
The scattered remains of something destroyed
Dropping of sediment
The surface of a dry region where the small, loose sediment has been eroded, leaving a hard packed surface
A land form created when sediments are deposited
Pieces of rock
Natural featueres of the landscaped formed by wind, water, and/or glaciers
A rock formation with a tall, thin, vertical rock supporting a larger, flat rock. It resembles a toadstool
A landform with steep sides carved when a fast moving river erodes the sediment from a dry region
Landform created when wind erodes a rock leaving a hole
A landform created by a flowing river.
A landform created by a glacier moving downhill
The large mound of sediment bulldozed to the side and in front of Glaciers
Landform created when the wind moves and deposits and into piles
A type of weathering caused by the wind. Particles of sand are carried by the wind, strike a rock, and chip away at the surface. It works like sandpaper
A mass of ice that stays frozen throughout the year and moves downhill
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