A structural adaptation helps organisms survive in their environment. What is an example of a structural adaptation?

The formation of _________________________ required dead plants and animals, millions of years, and sedimentary rocks.

When a gas turns into a liquid and forms a cloud this is considered _________.

A change in how an animal acts in order to survive in its environment is considered a ______________________________.

Humming Birds have a _____________________________ from their parents that allows them to reach deep inside a flower to drink out the nectar

When a river meets an ocean the water slows down and _____________ the sediments to the bottom of the water.

What abiotic objects do frogs need in order to survive?

Which organism soaks in sunlight and usually is the second organism in the food chain?

Plants can make their own food through a process called?

Humans breath out __________________. Plants breath out ______________________.

When opposite poles on magnets face each other they are ______________ toward one another

The wind frequently ___________________ sand creating sand dunes which are rolling hills of sand.

A tundra, temperate forest, ocean, desert, praire, grass land and artic are all examples of....

The type of material that does not allow energy to flow is a ___________________.

Sugar is a great example of a substance that is able to _____________ in water.

An organism that breaks down dead plants and organism is a __________________.

Today is 75 degrees and sunny! This is an example of ___________________.

The spinning of earth on its axis that takes 1 day and 24 hours.

When the same sides of a magnet are pointed at one another this will happen.

When a liquid turns to a gas this is called _________________.

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