Tanya has a picture on slide 6 of her presentation that has an entrance animation; she would also like for it to have an exit animation. Which of the following would you apply to cause this to happen?
Which option indicates that a presentation should wait for a mouse click prior to moving to the next slide?
Which commonly used animation effect makes text on a slide appear in the presentation?
Which command is used to specify the length of the transition effect for each slide in a presentation?
Which command is used to insert a sound clip into a slide?
John has completed his History of the Automobile PowerPoint. In order to maintain audience interest he inserts on each slide a picture of a horn which beeps only when mouse clicked. Which animation feature would create this result?
T.J., the drum major for the band, designed a PowerPoint for Homecoming which animates how each section of the band will be introduced on the field. He wants to reverse the order of the entrance of drums and french horns on slide seven. Which feature
Daniel wants each slide to appear with a checkerboard effect. Which of the following would you apply to cause this effect?
Tanya wants to apply the same animations from slide 3 to slide 5. Which of the following would you use to complete this task?
Tanya wants slide 1 to stay on the screen for 30 seconds. Which of the following would she use to complete this task?
Tanya needs to reorder her animation on slide 4. Which of the following would she use to complete this task?
Which ribbon appears to allow a user to control how a sound clip plays?
Which command is used to view the various options that can be applied to an animation?
Which effect adds interest to a slide show and focuses audience attention on important points by adding entrances, emphasis, motion paths, or exits to text or objects?
Which ribbon contains commands that apply an entrance effect to a chart?
Katherine has included audio in her Career Management presentation. She does not want the sound clip icon to display during her slideshow. What option does she select on the Audio Tools Playback tab?
Mark is customizing his AP US History PowerPoint on the Vietnam War. He wants to add visual interest to his jet fighters on slide seven and have the fighters to fly in on the slide. Which tab would he choose to complete this customization?
What are movements from one slide to another during a presentation called?
Evan completed his Accounting PowerPoint and decided that his animations on slide 3 need to be switched to create a more audience friendly presentation. Which animation feature should he choose to complete this change?
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