How can you decide if a website is a reliable source?

Another name for in-text citations is...

Consider the sentences below. Select the sentence that properly cites paraphrased evidence from the text in MLA format.

Text at the top and bottom of the page, which is repeated through a document, is called:

You are writing a report and copy information from the Internet without citing the source. What is this called?

When writing a paper and quoting an online source, what information do you need to include?

Which of the following is the best way to evaluate a website's content?

Information on the Internet is always proven by research.

In MLA format, where do you put your paper's page numbers?

Starting at the top, in what order should the items in the MLA information block be listed?

The title should be centered and bolded.

How should you structure a block quotation? A block quotation is a quotation that contains more than 4 lines of text.

If I want to add or omit information from a quotation, how do I do that?

For in-text citations, both the author's last name and the page number need to be listed, if the author's last name is not mentioned in the sentence.

Periods always go before in-text citations.

If I include the author's last name in my sentence, then I do not need to include it in the parenthetical citation.

What should I do if no author is given for the work I am citing?

I should include in the works cited all the sources I read, regardless of whether I cited them in the paper or not.

Sources listed in a works cited page are alphabetized by authors' last names.

How do I format the works cited page?

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