What command is used to quit the current presentation on screen and quit the Microsoft PowerPoint program?

Which view displays each slide so that it fills the entire screen with no toolbars or other Windows elements visible on the screen?

What is the name of the view on the File tab that enables a user to manage files and data about files, and find frequently used features for managing PowerPoint presentation files?

Which tab shows a text-only display of each slide in the presentation?

Mason has set up 5 slides in his new presentation and is ready to enter some text. He wants to enter text without having to think about other PowerPoint elements such as graphics, pictures, sound and animation. He just wants to focus on entering text

Cindy has created a report in her biology class using Word 2010 and would like to save time by using the content of that report to create a presentation. Which option under New Slide would she choose to import that information?

What command is used to quit the current presentation on screen but leave the Microsoft PowerPoint program open?

Which Microsoft PowerPoint pane shows the current slide as it will appear during the slide show?

What area in the window contains the Quick Access Toolbar, filename, and Window control buttons?

In preparation for an upcoming meeting, Liam is creating a PowerPoint presentation. If Liam would like to focus only on the content, which feature should he use?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, what command is used to save a new presentation?

Keshawn has never used Microsoft PowerPoint before. He discovered a way to put his most commonly used commands together at the top of his screen for easy access. What is this customizable feature of PowerPoint?

Which of the following software programs is used to create a collection of slides that may contain text, charts, pictures, sound, movies, or multimedia, and is often called a presentation graphics program?

In preparation for an upcoming meeting, Liam is creating a PowerPoint presentation. If Liam would like to focus only on the content, which pane would be best suited for this purpose?

Which pane in Microsoft PowerPoint provides an area for placing reminders to help a presenter during a presentation?

Linda is using Microsoft PowerPoint for the very first time. While looking at her default screen, she notices that all of the elements are set in tabs. What are all of the commands on each tab called?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, what command is used to save an existing presentation with a new name or in a new location?

Travis wants to make sure that his presentation is organized in the best arrangement. He needs to view as many slides as possible in one view. Which feature of PowerPoint should Travis view?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, where is the command located to undo the last action?

Steve is ready to begin developing the slides for his presentation. Which is the default slide layout for slide 1 of a new presentation?

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