An animal that has a back bone is called

Which of the following is NOT an animal?

An animal that is classified as an invertebrate

Which of the following is NOT true of nearly all animals?

Which of the following is NOT true of nearly all animals?

Which of the following is a characteristic that nearly all animals share?

What is it called when animals interact with each other?

Animals depend on this for their social interactions.

A group of tissues that performs a specific function for an organism

Like cells are grouped into specialized

When animals take care of their offspring and teach them how to survive it's called

When animals claim an area through leaving signs such as scents they are

some animals change their physical appearance due to growth and development or changing of seasons

_____________ are chemicals animals use to communicate.

Most of the animals on the planet are

ways animals use to protect themselves

in summer some animals enter a slowdown mode to survive the weather and lack of food

some groups of animals move to a different area because of harsh weather and lack of resources

when animals are ready to mate they have ways of attracting a mate

in winter some animals enter a slowdown mode to survive the weather and lack of food

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