Which ribbon includes the command for inserting charts that illustrate or compare data?

The Artistic Effects command is available with which of the following tools?

Kim inserted a rectangular shape into her Word document. She wanted the shape to transition from one color to another. Which shape fill option should she use?

Which of the small, white circles surrounding a graphic allows a user to proportionately resize the graphic?

What is the command on the Insert Ribbon used to capture and insert a picture of any other open program window?

Jordan inserted an image from his One Drive into his science report. What did he insert?

Kim inserted a rectangular shape into her Word document. She wanted to fill the shape with the logo for McDonalds. Which shape fill option should she use?

Bob wants to e-mail a view of the entire program window to the Technology Department of the error message that he received when logging onto his computer. What command would he use?

Sara inserted an arrow to point out information in a newsletter, which object did she use?

In Nathan's parenting class, he has been assigned to diagram his family tree. Which command would be the most appropriate for a quick and easy visual representation?

In Microsoft Word, what is the name of the group of picture formatting characteristics that includes shadows, reflections, glow, soft edges, bevel, and 3-D rotation?

Which command is used to insert a picture file from a storage device on your computer into a document?

Angie is designing a band flyer and wants a picture of a drum set to appear behind the text. Which command should she use?

Nathan is designing an FBLA flyer and wants to draw a star. Which command would he use from the Insert Ribbon?

Angie inserted a picture into a Microsoft Word document. She decided there were portions of the picture she wanted to remove. Which command would be most appropriate to use?

Which command on the Picture Tools Format Ribbon is used to change the way text wraps around a selected object?

Sara inserted a graphic used to visually display her family tree. Which graphic did she use?

Which command on the Insert Ribbon is used to select a part of a program window to insert into a file?

Which of the following chart types are available in Microsoft Word?

What is the descriptive text placed below an object called?

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