Once proteins are moved to the Golgi apparatus, what is the role of this organelle?

During protein synthesis, ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus, pass through the nuclear pores into the cytoplasm, and then bind to an organelle for further modification. Which organelle do the ribosomes bind to in this final step?

Which membrane-bound organelle do plants use to capture light energy?

Which organelle generates MOST of a cell's adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

Which cellular structure performs the following functions? • supports and shapes the cell • helps position and transport organelles • assists in cell division and cell movement

Which characteristic do scientists first consider when classifying cells as either eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Which of the following correctly lists the cells in order from simplest structure to most complex structure?

Which cell type is BEST described by the characteristics listed below? • contains genetic material in a circular loop known as a plasmid • derives energy from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) • is found in rod, conical, and spiral shapes

In cellular membranes, why do the tail ends of the lipid molecules face toward each other?   

Based on the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane, which type of molecule can move passively across the membrane, without the aid of proteins?

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