You can only get an std from having vaginal inter course?

What is a symtom of gonorrhea in men?

You can get HIV/ AIDS other then through having sex?

There is no cure for herpes simplex

Where should condoms be stored?

Children who live apart from their fathers are times more likely to be poor than children with both parents at home.

What are the two primary ways STDs are skin transmitted?

Genital warts are a symptom of what virus?

is the best method of preventing an std.

Who should get tested for HIV and STDs?

Condoms are percent effective.

The sons of teen mothers are times more likely to end up in prison than the sons of mothers aged 20- 21.

What are potential consequences based on the decision to have intercourse without protection?

Who should be responsible for obtaining condoms?

I can't have an STD because I haven't had sex for a long time.

A person can have HIV and show no symptoms for 10+ years.

Genital ulcer diseases and HPV can occur in both males and females and can occur in areas not protected by a condom.

Two-thirds of families begun by a young unmarried mother are poor.

Teen mothers are less likely than mothers over the age of 25 to smoke during pregnancy.

Eight out of 10 fathers don't marry the mother of their child.

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