Overproduction in industry and agriculture, war debts, and the stock market crash were all causes of

The governor of Georgia who was strongly opposed to the New Deal and whose death sparked the three governors controversy was

Rural farmers MOST LIKELY benefit from President Roosevelt's establishing the Rural Electrification Administration because they

The MAIN reason the attack at Pearl Harbor was so damaging is because at the time of the attack

During World War II, the Georgia cities of Savannah and Brunswick were BEST known for

Which of these BEST describes how President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ties to the state affected Georgia during the Great Depression?

Which transportation system has had the BIGGEST impact on making Georgia a center of international business?

This facility, originally opened in 1926, now employs approximately 55,300 people, including transportation, concessionaire, security, federal government, and city employees. It is considered the largest employment center in the State of Georgia.

During World War II the Federal Government allocated millions of dollars for child care programs throughout the United States because

What was the PRIMARY reason for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's repeated trips to Georgia?

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