Some rocks look different than others because _______.
___________ is how much matter is in an object.
Erosion is when sediments are _________.
the hardest mineral on Earth is ________.
Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling of _____ and ______.
_________ is how shiny or dull a mineral is.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from the _____ and _____ of sediments.
Granite is called an ________ Igneous rock because it cools off underground.
Metamorphic rocks are formed by intense ______ and ______.
Scientist classify rocks by their process of ______.
Rocks are a composition of ___________.
______ occures when sediments are dropped off after erosion.
______ is how closely packed particles are inside of something.
Pyrite is a mineral that is commonly known as _______.
Often the ______ of a mineral is different thatn the color you see.
Quartzite was metamorphosed from ________.
Slate was metamorphosed from ________.
Gneiss was metamorphosed from ________.
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