Which refers to the arrangement of different elements (i.e., colors, shapes, figures, lines, movements, and lightning) within a frame and in a scene?

What is the term used to describe images that are displayed one at a time and pan from one point to another while zooming in or out when they are displayed?

Which of the following "basic camera shot"terms would best describe a photo of a person's face?

Which type of editing involves a " tape-based systems where the data (audio/video) occurs in sequence from beginning to end?

Which term best describes editing that typically relys on a computer-based systems where data can be found instantly without regard to the sequence it was recorded in.

What type of film shot involves using a crane to conduct the shot?

When copying one video tape to another video tape you are using what type of editing?

Which type of editing does not require that you rewind and fast forward in order to edit?

A " record" would be an example of a ___________device.

A "CD" would be an example of a __________device.

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