A cat jumps when startled by a loud noise. This is an example of an organism
In order to survive, all organisms must have
Which term describes an organisms ability to maintain a stable internal environment?
When a human exercises, sweat often forms on the skin. Sweating is an example of the human body’s ability to
Although change in multicellular species usually takes thousands of years, some species of bacteria undergo major changes in just a few years. One reason for this difference is tha
Which group is made up of organisms that are all members of the same kingdom?
Why should the student make sure the edge of the coverslip touches the drop of water before setting the coverslip onto the slide?
Which structure is found in a plant cell but not inan animal cell?
Which part of the scope is used to brind the image of the object on the slide into focus
The structures found in a living cell can be compared to the parts of a factory that produces cars. Which part of the factory is most similar to the nucleus of a living cell?
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