What command is used to save an existing presentation with a new name or in a new location?

Which tab shows a column of numbered slide thumbnails so users can see a visual presentation of several slides at once?

What does it mean if a text box placeholder's borders change to become a dashed line?

Which Ribbon contains the command for applying predetermined styles to a table in a slide?

Which ribbon contains the command to flip or rotate an object on a slide?

Which pane provdes an area for saving reminders to help a presenter during a presentation?

Which term refers to a picture, shape, design, graph, chart, or diagram inserted into a Slide?

What type of presentation runs on its own but can also be set to accept user interventions to advance to another slide or return to a previous one?

What does Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 call the predefined ara inseide a slide where text may be entered?

Which command is used to record the time a presenter spends on each slide in order to run the show automatically in the future?

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