Inserting one nitrogenous base causes a ___________ mutation.

AAG CCT TTA changing to AAC GCC TTT is a __________ mutation.

Start with TTT ATG GCC. Which is a substitution mutation?

Which is NOT a type of mutation?

A ________________ mutation results in a stop codon ending the protein.

Start with CCCGGGAAATTT. Which shows a missense substitution mutation?

Which type of mutation is generally considered more detrimental?

Mutations can cause harm if they significantly change the _______ of the protein.

Start with ATC GGA TTA. Which shows a duplication mutation?

Which of the following is caused by a genetic mutation?

A frameshift mutation

True of False: Most mutations have little to no effect on the organism.

A female that is planning to become pregnant is concerned about exposure to environmental mutagens. In order for these mutations to become heritable and be passed to her child, they must affect her

Which of the following would indicate a base pairing mutation in DNA?

Which of these factors is associated with mutagenic effects

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