I can't wait to go to Disney World _______ the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

_________ I left the house, I made sure my wallet was in my purse.

She decided to leave the party _________ it was getting close to her curfew.

Vance told John he would go to the movies with him _______ he get pay on Friday.

The team won the game ________ being down by 10 points.

__________ the pizza gets here, please pay the delivery man.

Thomas couldn't go to the football game ________ he finish his chores.

Samira brought the fudge popiscle ________________ she wanted to try the ice cream sandwich

_____________ we had a lot of people at the bake sale, we still did not make enough money for the ski trip.

The cat runs away __________ he hears the doorbell ringing.

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